Aktuelles aus unserer Mädchenschule in Kabul

Die Lehrerin unserer Mädchenschule in Kabul, Afghanistan ist regelmäßig mit uns in Kontakt und berichtet aus ihrem Schulalltag. Mit Hilfe Ihrer Spendengelder können wir ihr ein monatliches Honorar zahlen. Sie unterrichtet die Mädchen mit großem Engagement in Englisch und Mathematik, um den Schülerinnen eine hoffnungsvolle Zukunft zu schenken. Aktuell konnten von den Spenden auch dringend benötige Schulmaterialien angeschafft werden, die auf dem Foto abgebildet sind.

„Currently [in October] it is summer vacation and their classes will start again on the 20th of the month, their previous lessons will be repeated and they will be given new lessons, their homework will be checked and there will be some problems in this they have lessons. They are supported by their classmates, they had conversations in English and I try to improve day by day and if you have a problem in any part, be it mathematics or English, it will be checked and for them and all students are repeatedly satisfied with their teaching methods. And with your help and cooperation, I can try harder and reach out to them even more in this dire situation that is forbidden for girls‘ education, and finally I want to get rid of the bad memory of the first book, and I have to be like that for her like last time.

New books and stationery will be purchased so that they can continue their lessons better and better as before because the performance of books and stationery is not tapped and awaits cooperation and your response in this matter. Thank you for your help. Comprehensive. They are always in constant contact and with God’s help and your cooperation, we can support the suffering girls of Afghanistan so that they have a good future with respect.“

Veranstaltungseinladung: Themenabend „Inside Afghanistan“ am 07.10.2023